I just realized that I have not announced the last three birthdays on the blog. Kendra's was a few months ago, and she is loving being seven. Almost everything she got was pink, so she had a very cute birthday outfit. Daddy's was at the beginning of this month. He still doesn't look as old as he is, even though, as my aunt tells everyone, "He's not even forty yet!" Jordan's was about a week and a half ago, though he was thinking he was fifteen for about a month in advance. He is maturing in many ways so quickly, and now it is almost like I have that big brother I always wanted. 

Well, next year I will hopefully do a better job of announcing the birthdays when they come. The birthdays now start in January, and we have no breaks except February, October, and November (but we do have extended family birthdays in all those months, or anniversarys). Life seems to be moving very quickly now, but it is really helping us learn not to worry about tomorrow. Otherwise, planning birthday presents would take most of our time!