Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Valentines Day Dance

Valentine's evening was a family dance for us this year. After a dinner for our parents, we got ready and loaded everyone in the car. Chris, Sarah, and Erin were so anxious to go that they nearly jumped off of the couch each time we walked through the living room on our way to get hairspray or dancing shoes. Daddy and Kendra, trying to form a big enough bridge for the taller dancers to get through. She and Chris did a good job dancing, even though the first dance Chris did was switching partners every minute.
Nicole and Richard Dunia.
Richard's dad is a ballroom dance instructor, and Richard has inherited his dad's talent for dancing (and making it fun).
David Callis and I practicing the waltz or the foxtrot.
One of the three long lines of dancers. Since it was Valentine's and a Saturday, there were about one hundred people in a room where twenty-five normally dance. It made it a little more confusing, and a lot more enjoyable.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Be Prepared

"Be prepared" could be said to be Jordan's motto, especially when it comes to knives. He carries them everywhere that it is legal, just in case a cause might come up that is deemed worthy. He seems to need them the most at parties.
Last summer we were at a graduation party, and of course, Jordan had his knife. One of his friends asked why in the world he would need a knife at a party. Jordan replied that he didn't know, but it was better to have it than not. Turns out that Jordan used his knife to open the sparkling cider bottles when it was discovered that the bottle opener was missing.
In January we went to a surprise party for another friend, only this time it was a very formal, girly party. Jordan came as a server, with his knife on his belt. This time he found some kindred spirits (see above photo), and ended up using his knife to repair a table. So he is convinced never to leave home without his knife, and he may have convinced some of his friends, too!

Monday, February 9, 2009



I Jordan Werzinski have bought my own Honda Rebel 250 . I haven't gotten my permit yet but I am set to take the test soon. Then I take my motorcycle safety course, receive my motorcycle permit, and I'm free to roar around town on the coolest bike in the world, (which by the way my Dad refers to as the "baby bike" his motorcycle being the "papa bike").


Check out that shine!