Friday, October 26, 2007
We're Gonna Meet Them!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The steel has now been rough cut with a hacksaw
(this takes a long time, but since I don't posses a cutting
I have now ground the edge to the required bevel using my father's angle grinder.When you do this be careful that you don't burn the steel, or turn it blue by leaving the grinder in one spot for to long. By the way if you do this don't touch the blade! It will be extremely hot, as in 900'F .
The blade has been sharpened and I'm cleaning up the steel. After this I extendedthe bevel much farther up the blade and left it in the rough grind state, then wrapped the handle in waxed thread.

The finished knife! Its not a beauty to be sure, but it works.
Have a Happy Clappy Day, and good luck!
Renaissance Man
Raylene's Pictures
Monday, October 8, 2007
Creativity In Action

This was our project for Columbus Day. Since Daddy was off of work, he and Mommy decided to give us the day off of school too. Shauna has had this dollhouse for a while, but today she, Kendra, and I (Raylene) got out the paint to make it suitable for the six girls dolls living there.
Shauna and Kendra are so creative with their dolls. They have made all six of the dolls that live in this house, sewn matching clothes for them, and made couches, beds, tables, and chairs. The dolls are quite comfortable in their old-fashioned house with cheery colors, carpet (after the paint dries), and numerous pillows, which double as cushions for the wagon when they go to church. Since Mommy has done so many projects like painting the rooms and sewing clothes, the girls have plenty of left-overs to work with, and have put them to good use.