My First Knife
Hello y'all, it's Renaissance Man here.This is my first post so I don't know exactly how to do this but here goes.This is the process of making my first knife, offered for the instructio(or warning!) of others.
This is the stock steel I used for my knife, I salvaged it off

an old wheelbarrow and I have no idea what kind it was.
It was over a foot long, about two inches wide, and 3/16" thick.

The steel has now been rough cut with a hacksaw
(this takes a long time, but since I don't posses a cutting
torch is was the only way to do it).
I have now ground the edge to the required bevel using my father's angle grinder.When you do this be careful that you don't burn the steel, or turn it blue by leaving the grinder in one spot for to long. By the way if you do this don't touch the blade! It will be extremely hot, as in 900'F .
The blade has been sharpened and I'm cleaning up the steel. After this I extendedthe bevel much farther up the blade and left it in the rough grind state, then wrapped the handle in waxed thread.

The finished knife! Its not a beauty to be sure, but it works.
Have a Happy Clappy Day, and good luck!
Renaissance Man
You cut that out with a hacksaw? Jiminy christmas!
Call me next time and borrow a jigsaw or something. Or is that not Renaissance enough?
Thanks for the offer. We actually do have a jigsaw and a metal blade, but I prefer hand tools.
Renaissance Man
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