Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Interesting Statistics

Since Kayla has turned thirteen, it reminded us of some interesting statistics about our family that we figured out a little while ago. It's amazing how much work and time goes into a family.
Years with children: Mommy and Daddy will have a child somewhere from birth to eighteen for 36 years. During that time they will have raised 180 years of childhood all together, had four teenagers for two years and six months, and five teenagers for one year and four months.
(Some of) Daddy's work: While raising children, to support the family, Daddy will have worked 74,880 hours, not including all the overtime.
(Some of) Mommy's work: Mommy will have cooked (or overseen) about 39,420 meals. I would subtract meals that we children cook, except she prepares us lots of extra 'mini-meals' when we are growing or working harder than normal.
Homeschooling: For 31 years, this Werzinski family home-school will be in operation. As of right now, there are four teachers (Daddy, Mommy, Nicole, and myself), with more in training. Algebra 1 will have been gone through at least twelve times, at least two foreign languages (French and Spanish) will have been learned, and Mommy and Daddy will have sat through countless tearful sessions of correcting difficult math and English lessons.
Of course, this only scratches the surface of what my parents do, but these numbers are the most impressive:) All of us children also appreciate the real life lessons that they have taught us, and the innumerable late night talks to sort things out. So, thank you, Daddy and Mommy, and may we children help you remember Galatians 6:9, and not make you tired!


fatquiver said...

Now if algebra will happen 12 times, who had to do it twice? Or are you counting mommy and daddy?

The Werzinskis said...

I had to do it three times. I got decent grades, but not any understanding until I got a teacher who taught it like a language. That was when it clicked.
