When we were at a friend's birthday party recently, we were told to line up for sack races. There had already been a relay race, enough to get our Werzinski competition adrenaline going. Sarah and Erin began to race, and we began to cheer for them both. Daddy didn't think that Erin was trying hard enough:), so he ran out to help her make her hops longer. Nicole immediately saw that this put Sarah at a disadvantage, so she raced out to show her how fast sack races could be.
Erin ended up winning that race (Nicole says that it is only because Kendra was hanging on to her and Sarah to slow them down), but that was only the beginning.
Mr. Smith had bumped up a few spots in line to be able to race with Kayla, and by the time they turned around and began to return to the starting line, it looked like he was going to win by quite a margin. That's when he began to gloat, hopping in front of Kayla, and turning around and teasing her. That's why he didn't see Daddy coming.
Daddy flew out into the racing lanes, intending (I think) to hold Mr. Smith still until Kayla won. It didn't work out quite that way. Daddy hit a wet spot on the grass, and when he realized he was going down, decided to take Mr. Smith with him.
Daddy held Mr. Smith down while they both caught their breath, hoping that would be enough time for Kayla to win. Kayla, though (along with everyone else), was laughing so hard she couldn't move, so she crossed the finish line just slightly behind Mr. Smith.
There was some friendly competition, though. Shauna decided to help our friend Joy, since she is smaller than Erin, and Joy's brother Tim helped Erin when she began to fall behind. The only thing was, Erin thought that Tim was going to carry her the whole time, so when he put her down, she didn't hop. Oh, well. Winning isn't the point (really?!?), and we got the chance to put our family verse into practice.
Thanks to Philip Callis for the pictures for the last few posts.