As this school year has come to a close there have been several performances following one right after the other in quick succession. Since five of us are now in the PSCA homeschool choir that is what has mostly filled our time over the last two weeks.

These pictures are a little backwards but this is at the policeman's memorial on Tuesday. It was sobering to hear the names of so many officers that were killed in action and gave me a real appreciation of what they do for us everyday.

Since Jordan and I are the tallest boy and girl in choir Mrs. Clark (our director) let us stand by one another for the memorial.

This picture is of Nicole in the community choir. They sang It Is Well but unfortunately since our choir was next, Jordan and I could not hear it because we were standing in the hallway waiting to get on stage:(

This was the debut of the guy's ensemble and they certainly made the most of it. They were the best performance of the whole night, and got the audience on their feet!

This is a picture of their choreography. It really added a lot to the singing and made it incredibly masculine.

Being in girls ensemble has been such a blessing! All of the girls are so sweet and it has helped me with my voice very much. This was a sad performance though because 10 of the 17 girls are graduating this year, so this was our last chance to sing together:(

Shauna and Kendra have really enjoyed being in children's choir this semester, And Kendra got to sing a high note only a few of them could hit:)

Shauna got to know the girls around her and is glad one of them is going to youth choir with her next year.

There they are. The entire senior class! They sang Hear My Prayer for us on the last day and did a beautiful job.

The girls ensemble practices in the copy room at the church and have many fun and girly conversations before we actually practice:)

Every Tuesday these girls and I eat lunch together out in the shade at People's Church and I think that is the thing I am going to miss the most. Whether the conversation was serious or not you could tell all these girls love the Lord.
1 comment:
What a nice post, Kayla! It's been fun to see choir from various people's perspectives and camera lenses. Your group of lunch-time friends looks lovely. We should have come out for a visit (so little time: wait for the microwave for 20 min, eat for 5 min!). Next year WILL be different with so many seniors leaving, but each year has its own adventures! Looking forward to it!
Lori McC
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