We all had to write personal narratives last week for school, and Jordan's was so accurately descriptive we had to share it.
Hello, my name is Jordan Werzinski. I'm fourteen and a sophmore in high school. I'm also homeschooled. This paper is written to give you a glimpse into the daily life of my family.
My day begins at six o'clock every morning. I have the choice of two ways to be woken up; my alarm or my sister's dog Sasha. If I don't get up with my alarm the dog licks me in the face with her incredibly slobbery tongue, then as soon as I open my eyes she runs away.
Next comes Bible reading, breakfast, and schoolwork. In our house school runs differently than in most other houses. Many times a simple math question has turned into a philosophical discussion, with my mother, five sisters, and I all involved. Because of this, we not only get our basic school done, but develop theology and advanced thinking skills all at the same time.
After school comes lunch, which is my second favorite time of day and one of the five meals I eat. Then we practice our family hymn for an hour, and finish our chores.
My father returns from a hard day's work with the California Department of Transportation around 4:00 every afternoon, which is the beginning of our nightly routine. We have free time until 6:00 which is my favorite time of day and the time we eat dinner. After dinner my father reads to us out loud, we sing a rousing old hymn from our hymnbook ( in three part harmony I might add), pray, and go to bed by 10:00 to rest for the next day of our exciting life.