Our friends the Parish family invited us up to their campsite at Huntington Lake to have church with them yesterday. It was beautiful! None of us children had ever been up there before and we really enjoyed the weather, the lake and the very green forest.

Daddy was able to relax while we were up there, which was nice since his new position at work is very different from his old postion.

The little girls and Jacob played hide 'n' seek for a long time, chasing each other over the hills and around the stumps, bringing up a puff of dirt with every step. They even got all of us older girls to play, but we don't have pictures of that because we girls are the ones that took the pictures.

When it was time for the service, everyone was filthy! Nicole, Kayla and I hadn't been that dirty (besides our hands) in years.

It is not too visible in this picture, but Jayni looked like a racoon, and the other girls were just as covered with dirt. It is fun, though, sometimes, to get dirty and not worry about it. Just spending the whole day outside was definitely worth the late night baths after we got home.

After the service, we older children went on a walk while the little ones played and the parents talked. Shauna collected pinecones and rocks from the shore for the younger ones. We had a good time soaking our feet in the
very cold water, taking pictures, and talking with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Friendship with like-minded Christians has been God's greatest gift to us this year, and we praise Him for the relationships and growth that He has brought about.
When we got back to camp it was time for dinner, clean-up, and the long drive home. On the way home we saw two deer and a wonderful sunset. After such a pleasant day, we might have to try camping ourselves!
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