Today all of us girls were able to make strawberry jam. Kendra got all ready in her pink kitchen garb.

Mommy has always made an effort to teach us the old-fashioned arts like making jam and bread, sewing and embroidery. Now that we are getting older and more of us can help, it doesn't take very long and it is fun to do together. Sometimes we do have trouble finding an apron for everyone, though!

We are so blessed to live were fresh fruit is readily available and high quality. We were able to buy the strawberries at a road-side stand just hours before we started the jam. Being raised in California, we didn't realize how good our fruit was until some friends of ours went back east and had hard, dry peaches that were top of the line for Missouri. They came back singing the praises of California fruit.

This is some of the finished product. We have to take a picture, because it doesn't last very long, especially since it is strawberry. That is Jordan's favorite, and he is right in the middle of a growth spurt. We don't mind it disappearing, though, because that means everybody likes it, and that's what we make it for.
Hi guys,we enjoyed your blog and wish we could've tried the jam.Miss you guys.
uncle jerry
aunt joelle
Yummy yum yum! What an adorable little girl all wrapped up in a pink apron! :-)
We love you all!
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