Our friends the Smiths very graciously offered to host my twenty-first birthday party at their beautiful property. The front lawn was perfect for games and visiting, and the refrigerator was just big enough for all the cold food!

The spread that Mom, Jordan, and the girls put together. We found out that four carrot cakes is too much for one hundred people, especially if there is cherry pie as well, but thankfully it does freeze well.

Kayla, Jordan, and Mr. Callis inspecting the house before the party.

Some of our beloved littles.

Grandma time.

Great-grandma time.

We enjoyed an afternoon full of games, singing, dancing, and talking. It has been such a blessing to have fellowship with the friends that God has given us, and we were so glad that so many of them were able to come and celebrate with us.

Tim showing off his double dutch skills during the relay.

Daddy said a blessing over me, encouraging me to look to the Lord for and in my future. Praise God for daddies like mine! We would be lost without them.
All us girls.

Me and my guys.

We were blessed with the presence of two babies at the party, and almost all of the younger girls time was taken up with pushing strollers, watching the babies sleep, and longing for the time when they are big enough to hold a baby while standing up.

The babies changed hands fairly often, but remained good-natured the whole time. One even stayed asleep when he was taken from his stroller.

I did claim birthday girl privilege a little to get to hold the babies. It's necessary with so many girls around:).
All photos copyright CFPhotography 2009
What fun photos! I especially liked the one of all you girls. Did Philip take that one, too?
Yes, Philip took all of those photos. We really liked the one of us girls, too! The pictures of the families turned out nice, too. I'll have to e-mail you the one of your family.
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